Cheapest Courses In Australia For International Students

Dr Mohammad Shafiq

Cheapest Courses In Australia For International Students

Cheapest Courses In Australia For International Students

Australia has long been a major destination for higher studies for international students. However, the cost of education in Australia is a hurdle for many. That’s why budgeting is crucial for any international student who wishes to study in this country.

The good news is that Australia offers a range of affordable courses, making a quality education attainable without breaking the bank. Choosing from the cheapest courses in Australia for international students allows you to free up resources for other necessities and truly enjoy your Australian adventure.

The Landscape of Australian Education for International Students

General Tuition Fee Ranges

For international students, tuition fees in Australia can vary significantly. Undergraduate programs typically cost between AUD$20,000 and AUD$45,000 annually, while postgraduate programs range from AUD$22,000 to AUD$50,000 annually. 

Factors Influencing Course Costs

Several factors can significantly impact the tuition fees of your chosen program. Here are some key factors:

  • Location: Studying in a major city like Sydney or Melbourne will generally cost more than a regional university. Living expenses also tend to be higher in metropolitan areas.
  • University Reputation: Prestigious universities often come with higher price tags.
  • Course Type: Fields like medicine or engineering often have a higher price than humanities or social sciences programs.
  • Course Length: The duration of your studies directly affects the total cost. Nonetheless, Master's degrees are typically shorter than undergraduate programs but can sometimes be more expensive yearly.

Advantages of Pursuing Affordable Courses in Australia

Advantages of Pursuing Affordable Courses in Australia

Pursuing a cheaper course in an Australian university doesn't mean compromising on quality education. Here's why opting for a cost-effective program can be a strategic move:

  • Quality Education at an Achievable Price: Australian universities consistently rank high globally, ensuring you receive a top-notch education regardless of the specific course fees. By choosing an affordable program, you can access this world-class education system without an overwhelming financial burden.
  • Post-Study Work Rights:  Many affordable courses in Australia can still lead to valuable post-study work visas. It allows you to gain practical experience in your field, potentially leading to permanent residency and a fulfilling career.
  • Building Your Global Network on a Budget: Studying in Australia allows you to connect with people from diverse backgrounds. By choosing an affordable course, you can still immerse yourself in Australian culture, make lifelong friends from around the world, and expand your professional network without breaking the bank. This global network can prove invaluable for future career prospects and personal growth.

Top 10 Cheapest Universities in Australia for International Students

Charles Sturt University (CSU)

Spread across regional locations in New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland, Charles Sturt University boasts a welcoming atmosphere and a focus on practical learning. It offers some of the most competitive tuition fees in Australia. You can choose from programs like Information Technology, a field with growing global demand. Its courses in environmental science provide the knowledge and skills to tackle pressing environmental issues. At the same time, teacher education programs are available to open doors to a rewarding career in shaping young minds. 

University of Southern Queensland (USQ)

Located in Queensland, the University of Southern Queensland is known for its innovative teaching methods and strong industry connections. USQ is a well-regarded public university with a reputation for its flexible learning options and intense focus on industry engagement. They offer various budget-friendly programs, including Information Technology, Business, and Education, all valued by employers worldwide.

Edith Cowan University (ECU)

Edith Cowan University prides itself on its commitment to social justice and cultural diversity. Their bachelor programs in nursing, a profession in high demand worldwide, are known for being budget-friendly. It offers a range of other affordable programs, including Business Management and Computer Science. These programs are perfect for students seeking career-oriented degrees at a competitive price. ECU also provides scholarships for international students, making studying even more affordable.

University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)

Situated near the stunning Sunshine Coast's beaches, the University of the Sunshine Coast is a young and vibrant university with a modern approach to learning. It boasts affordable Tourism, Hospitality, and Environmental Science programs, perfect for students seeking a blend of affordability and a coastal lifestyle.

Federation University Australia

Federation University Australia

Located in Victoria, Federation University is known for its commitment to smaller class sizes and personalized learning. It excels in affordable programs like Engineering Technology, Social Work, and Creative Industries, catering to students seeking a practical and supportive learning environment.

Southern Cross University (SCU)

Situated in New South Wales and Queensland, Southern Cross University is renowned for its high-quality research and practical, hands-on learning approach. SCU offers affordable programs in Marine Science, reflecting its coastal location and commitment to environmental sustainability. Business and Law programs are also competitively priced, providing international students with a robust foundation for careers in these fields. The university's focus on community engagement and social justice makes it a welcoming place for students from all backgrounds.

Victoria University (VU)

Located in Melbourne, Victoria University is celebrated for its industry-focused education and strong emphasis on employability. VU provides some of the most affordable courses in Sports Management, a growing field in Australia. Their Engineering and IT programs are designed to meet industry standards while being budget-friendly. The university's block model of teaching, where students focus on one subject at a time, enhances learning outcomes and fits well with the needs of international students.

Central Queensland University (CQU)

Central Queensland University, with campuses in major cities such as Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne, is known for its accessibility and commitment to student support. CQU offers cost-effective programs in Health, particularly Nursing and Allied Health, fields with significant demand worldwide. Their courses in Engineering and Project Management are also popular among international students due to their affordability and practical focus. CQU's extensive network of campuses ensures that students receive consistent support and resources wherever they study.

Torrens University Australia

As a part of the Laureate International Universities network, Torrens University Australia offers a global perspective with local affordability. Located in major cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide, Torrens provides competitively priced courses in Business, Hospitality, and Design. Their focus on employability and industry connections ensures that students gain practical skills that are highly valued in the job market. Scholarships and flexible learning options further enhance the affordability of studying at Torrens.

Western Sydney University (WSU)

Located in the vibrant and diverse region of Western Sydney, Western Sydney University is known for its commitment to innovation and excellence in education. WSU offers a range of affordable programs in Nursing, a field with strong job prospects globally. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Business programs are also cost-effective, providing students with the skills needed to succeed in today's digital economy. The university's focus on research and community engagement offers students a dynamic and supportive learning environment.

Top 5 Cheapest Undergraduate Courses in Australia for International Students

The following table presents the top 5 most budget-friendly undergraduate programs for international students in Australia:

Course Name University Name Duration Tuition Fees (per year) Program Highlight
Bachelor of Business University of Sunshine Coast 3 years AUD 24,000 Emphasis on real-world business scenarios and practical learning experiences.
Bachelor of Arts University of Southern Queensland 3 years AUD 24,500 Offers a wide variety of majors with flexible study options.
Bachelor of Information Technology Charles Darwin University 3 years AUD 25,000 Provides industry-relevant skills and opportunities for internships.
Bachelor of Education Federation University Australia 4 years AUD 26,000 Includes practical experience and strong connections with the community.
Bachelor of Nursing University of Tasmania 3 years AUD 27,000 High employment rate with extensive clinical placement opportunities.

Top 5 Cheapest Postgraduate Courses in Australia for International Students

Here is a table highlighting the top 5 cost-effective postgraduate programs available for international students in Australia:

Course Name University Name Duration Tuition Fees (per year) Program Highlight
Master of Business Administration University of Southern Queensland 1.5 years AUD 26,000 Focuses on leadership and strategic management with flexible study modes.
Master of Engineering (Civil) Charles Darwin University 2 years AUD 28,000 Accredited by Engineers Australia, emphasizing project-based learning.
Master of Information Technology Federation University Australia 2 years AUD 27,500 Features a cutting-edge curriculum with opportunities for industry placements.
Master of Education University of New England 1.5 years AUD 25,000 Designed for professional development with flexible online study options.
Master of Public Health University of Tasmania 1.5 years AUD 30,000 Concentrates on global health issues and public health practice.

Top 5 Cheapest Diploma and Certificate Courses in Australia for International Students

The table below lists the top 5 most affordable diploma and certificate courses for international students in Australia:

Course Name University Name Duration Tuition Fees (total) Program Highlight
Diploma of Business TAFE Queensland 1 year AUD 15,000 Offers practical business skills with strong industry connections.
Diploma of Information Technology TAFE NSW 1 year AUD 14,500 Provides industry-relevant training with modern IT facilities.
Certificate IV in Project Management TAFE Queensland 6 months AUD 8,000 Comprehensive training in various project management methodologies.
Advanced Diploma of Accounting TAFE South Australia 1.5 years AUD 16,500 Offers a pathway to further studies and strong employability in the accounting field.
Certificate III in Hospitality TAFE Western Australia 1 year AUD 12,000 Hands-on training in hospitality with real-world industry experience.

Most Affordable Course Categories for International Students

Most Affordable Course Categories for International Students

Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses

VET programs provide job-ready skills in a shorter timeframe compared to traditional degrees. These practical courses often come with lower tuition fees, making them an excellent option for students seeking quicker entry into the Australian workforce. It offers courses in hospitality, aged care, and information technology.

Short-Term Professional Development Courses

Sharpen your existing skills or gain new qualifications with specialized, shorter-duration programs. These targeted courses can significantly enhance your employability without a hefty price tag. It has options in areas like digital marketing, project management, or leadership.

Online Courses or Distance Learning Options

The rise of online learning provides a flexible and affordable way to earn an Australian qualification. Several Australian universities have online or distance learning programs, allowing you to study from anywhere in the world at your own pace. It can be a budget-friendly option as it eliminates living expenses in Australia.

Foundation and Pathway Programs

These preparatory programs bridge the gap between your existing qualifications and those required for an undergraduate degree in Australia. While they add an extra semester or year to your studies, foundation programs can be a cost-effective way to gain entry into a desired degree program, sometimes even offering credit towards the first year.

Scholarships and Financial Aid Options for International Students

Australia Awards Scholarships

This prestigious government-funded scholarship program supports high-achieving international students from select countries. Australia Awards Scholarships typically cover full tuition fees, living expenses, health insurance, and travel costs.

University-Specific Scholarships

Most Australian universities have their own scholarship programs specifically for international students. They can range from partial tuition fee waivers to full coverage and stipends. Research the scholarship offerings of your target universities to see if you qualify.

External Funding Opportunities

Many external organizations and foundations offer scholarships and grants specifically for international students studying in Australia. Research these opportunities online or through your home country's education ministry.

Cost of Living in Different Australian Cities

Living on a Budget: Cost of Living in Different Australian Cities

The living expenses can vary significantly based on the city you choose to study in. Here are some of the major student destinations:

  • Sydney and Melbourne: As the most populated cities, Sydney and Melbourne have the highest living costs, particularly for accommodation. Expect to pay more for rent, groceries, and entertainment than other cities. Estimated monthly living cost: AUD 2,500 - 3,500.
  • Brisbane and Perth: Brisbane and Perth offer a good balance between affordability and a vibrant student life. Housing costs are more moderate while offering access to cultural attractions and entertainment options. Estimated monthly living cost: AUD 1,800 - 2,800.
  • Adelaide: Adelaide is known for its friendly atmosphere. It is generally the most affordable major city in Australia. Renting a shared house or apartment is a budget-friendly option in this city. Estimated monthly living cost: AUD 1,500 - 2,200.

Finding affordable housing is key to living comfortably on a student budget. Research student accommodation options the universities offer, explore shared housing arrangements and consider living in the suburbs further from the city centre.

Importance of Student Health Cover (OSHC)

While budgeting is important, prioritizing your health is also crucial. That’s where Overseas Student Health Cover comes in. OSHC is a mandatory health insurance plan for all international students on a student visa in Australia. It provides financial assistance for medical and hospital expenses incurred during your stay, offering peace of mind and protection against unexpected healthcare costs.

When selecting an OSHC provider, compare coverage options and costs. Basic OSHC plans cover essential medical services like doctor visits, some hospital stays, and limited medications. However, some plans offer additional coverage for extras like dental, optical, or physiotherapy services. Research different providers to find a plan that meets your budget and health needs. Remember, prioritizing OSHC ensures you can access quality healthcare without financial worries. It will allow you to focus on your studies and enjoy your time in Australia.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do tuition fees in Australia compare to other countries? 

Australia can be more affordable than some traditional study destinations like the US or UK but may be more expensive than some Asian countries.

Are there any hidden costs for international students in Australia? 

You must consider living expenses, student health cover (OSHC), and potential visa application fees.

How can students avail of discounts or fee waivers? 

Research scholarships, university-specific financial aid, and discounts that are offered to international students.

What are the application fees for Australian universities? 

Application fees vary by university, so research individual institutions. Some may waive fees if you apply early.

Can international students work part-time while studying in Australia? 

Yes, international students on a legitimate student visa are allowed to work up to 40 hours per fortnight during semesters.

Do Australian universities offer payment plans or financial counselling for international students? 

Many universities offer payment plans for tuition fees. Financial counselling services may also be available to assist with budgeting and financial aid.


With careful planning and by exploring the wealth of affordable courses, scholarships, and budget-friendly living options, you can effectively choose from the cheapest courses in Australia for international students. Don't let cost be a barrier to your educational dreams. Following the tips and resources outlined in this guide, you can make your Australian study experience a reality. Best of luck!

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