They are designed specifically for those in MOD roles looking to enhance their knowledge and expertise in electronic warfare, aero-engineering, and role-specific themes.
The Aerosystems course is multidisciplinary, covering the areas of uninhabited aircraft systems, guided weapons, electro-optics, communications, radar, electronic warfare, and information networks. The course covers the key concepts, fundamental principles, and design and critical thinking considerations associated with the arabovementioned areas
Stage A
The preselection process (before submitting an academic application) for the Aerosystems Course is met via a Selection Board that comprises RAF (Air & Space Warfare Centre, Defence Acadecapabilitymy), Royal Navy, and Cranfield University personnel (Course Director), reviewing a comprehensive application form that contains academic and work experience, relevant interests and courses, a personal narrative and a 1st and 2nd Reporting Officer recommendations. Based on successfully satisfying stage (a), the candidates are encouraged to apply for a University place to study the Aerosystems course.
Stage B
A UK first or second-class honors degree in a relevant subject area, or
An equivalent international qualification (find out whether your qualification meets our requirements by visiting our International Student page), or
Relevant work experience in combination with a degree below second-class honors
If you do not meet our formal entry requirements but still feel you can demonstrate the ability to complete the course successfully, you may still be accepted onto a course. Each application will be considered on its merits, and the Course Director will make a case.
All students accepted onto the course must complete the pre-sessional 10-day Shrivenham course in August (8th-19th) before attending the award studies in September. The pre-sessional studies comprise refresher studies in maths and technical topics that enable leveling the background knowledge that lecturers in the award course can assume. All students must study pre-sessional studies to ensure a new understanding of toissueshat students have not reviewed and probably have not used recently.
20 hours of work permit weekly for international students.
6.5 overall and 5.5 in all skill components.
Aerospace Engineering
Cranfield University at Shrivenham
Part-Time,5/4/3 years
20100, (INT)
Leicester, England
UK fees: £9,900 & International fees: £21,850
Chester, Warrington
Huddersfield, England
International: £17,000