Our Sociology with Criminology programme offers students the opportunity to combine two closely related and complimentary disciplines. Sociology, the major component of this programme, involves the study of the ways in which societies are organised and how they function. How is the particular society we live in organised? Does it function effectively? Is it harmonious? Is it equal? Is it fair? What about other societies? Our particular approach to Sociology involves the ‘critical’ study of society, which means asking serious questions about power, social inequality, and social injustice. Criminology, the minor component of this programme, involves study of crime as particular aspect of all societies. What is crime, who commits it, who are the victims, how do societies deal with crime, its perpetrators, and its victims? Again, our particular approach to Criminology is critical and involves asking important questions about who gets to define the criminal, who gets to determine the measures implemented to address crime as an aspect of society, as well questions about the unequal experience of offending, victimisation, and justice within and between societies. Studying these subjects together means tackling some of the most interesting and important social issues of our times. The programme involves critical engagement with relevant theories, concepts, and ideas, as well as the development of a wide range of critical thinking, research, and communication skills. You will be taught and supervised by world leading experts in the subject areas and experience a range of research engaged teaching, learning and assessment methods, including opportunities for appli'>
The minimum IELTS score required is 6.5
17500, (INT)
Poole, England
£ Per year: UK:£9,250, International:£17,595, Foundation year: £9,250, Placement year: £1,850
Derby, England
Glasgow, Scotland