Our undergraduate program in religion invites students to inquire more deeply into the Christian faith, to gain an enhanced appreciation of the contributions of Christianity to the development of twenty-first century culture, and to prepare for life-long lay or career ministry.
We offer courses of study in Biblical Studies, Historical Studies, Theological Studies, Practical Studies, and World Religions. These courses are designed to be a part of a liberal arts curriculum. A major or minor in religion is recommended for students who are considering careers in pastoral ministry, missions, other church-related vocations, and the teaching of religion. The major or minor is also recommended for those pursuing other careers but who are interested in undergraduate studies in religion.
The student who majors or minors in religion should be aware of the opportunities provided by seminaries and divinity schools to reduce the time for a Master of Divinity degree. This may be done by accelerated programs or by receiving credit for courses taken at the baccalaureate level. Information on some of these opportunities is available in the office of Ministry Guidance.
You must try to achieve the highest score possible in your high school. The GPA that Baylor requires for shortlisting candidates is 3.74. With a 3.74 GPA, you need to be a topper in class or a top ranker.
IELTS Score 6.5
Humanities and Social Sciences
Waco, Texas
USA/International: $37,309,
Edinburgh, Scotland
£ Scotland, £305, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Republic of Ireland, £1,157, Overseas and EU, £2,738
Wrexham, Northop and St Asaph
Uxbridge, Middlesex England, UK
£ £9,250, £13,750