Award 2023

07 December 2023
United Kingdom
Event Description:

A huge shoutout to the amazing QA Higher Education team for organizing an outstanding event! We’re absolutely thrilled to extend heartfelt gratitude to our BHE Uni rockstars (Boost Education Service Team Tasnuva Asfiha, Valentina Bouzo, Fidha Navas, Alif Tasnim, Isabella Micu) for earning the ''Master of Diversity Award''. 🏆 This recognition truly reflects our commitment to inclusivity, showcased by the warm welcome we offer to students from 29 different nationalities at QAHE in 2023.

A special thanks goes out to CEO Simon Nelson, Nick Miller, Karen Cain, Andreea Moga, Rachel Drew, Mona Jakhu, Martha Walsh, and Knazeva Irina. Kudos to everyone involved for making it an unforgettable and impactful occasion! 🎉

Event Schedule

Agent Meetup of QA Higher Education

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Contact Information:

  • If you have any questions or need additional information, please don't hesitate to contact our admissions team at or call +44 (0) 2033 189 380.
  • Don't miss this opportunity to explore your educational future with us. We look forward to welcoming you to our campus and helping you take the first step towards an exciting academic journey!