Our Construction Management MSc enjoys a great heritage, being the longest established postgraduate construction programme in the UK and the second oldest in the world. You will be able to draw on the wealth of experience and expertise acquired throughout the School’s long history. Construction projects have become more complex in our changing world, where there are increasing concerns regarding sustainability and social value. Hence, there has been a growing challenge to develop new expertise in construction management. The programme seeks to develop this expertise within students by providing a broad selection of topical modules. Our Construction Management MSc programme shares the same set of core semester one modules as its sister programme in Construction Project Management, but you are required to nurture a generalist outlook in semester two, selecting any two modules from a set of business-oriented modules and a further two from a set of project management-oriented modules. Therefore, this programme offers the most flexible module selection compared to our other construction programmes. The School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering is one of four Royal Academy of Engineering Centres of Excellence in Sustainable Building Design, and one of the most highly funded built environment groups by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The School hosts the National Facility for Infrastructure Construction (N-FIC), funded by the UK Collaboratorium for Research in Infrastructure & Cities (UKCRIC). We also house Building and Industrial Services Pipework Academy (BISPA), which is a collaboration with global steel manufacturer Tata Steel and the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE). This uniquely holistic view of construction makes it best placed for developing graduates that meet the increasing demands of the sector. We have recently invested £6 million in building expansion and development, which includes new dedicated study areas and computer resources. Our students benefit from access to our excellent facilities, including our 3,000m2 laboratory and one of the fastest high-performance computing clusters in the UK.
The minimum IELTS score required is 6.5
25450, (INT)
Hull, England
$ 23640
Oxford, England