Many real-world problems are solved by a close-knit combination of mathematical and computational techniques. Our MSci (Hons) degree in Computer Science and Mathematics equips you with essential skills in both of these areas and their intersection. Mathematics and computer science are inextricably linked and our MSci Computer Science and Mathematics course aims to equip students with a powerful set of skills to deal with such tasks, providing an excellent grounding for any career at the interface between computing and mathematics, as well as most careers that are traditionally open to single honours graduates in either of the two disciplines. The course is divided equally into topics from computer science and mathematics so that graduates have a wide range of experience in both areas. The core mathematics subjects required for business, industry and academia are studied in the first two years of this course, with a particular emphasis on computational methods. The core computer science subjects studied in the first two years have a particular emphasis on mathematical aspects of computer science. In your third year you get to conduct a project that draws on knowledge of computer science and mathematics as well as having the opportunity to tailor your degree to your individual preferences by choosing from a range of optional specialised modules in both subjects. The additional year of the MSci provides a broad understanding and study of entrepreneurship, further in-depth mathematical modelling and the opportunity to develop your research skills with a substantial research-based individual project conducted with a member of academic staff.
The minimum IELTS score required is 6.5
24650, (INT)
Plymouth, England
£ 9250
Plymouth, England
£ £9,250, £13,850
West Sussex, England