This innovative and unique degree allows you to pursue an interest in a variety of related subject areas such as Professional Writing, Film Studies, Theatre and Performance Studies, Journalism, Media, and New Media Studies. It aims to develop your critical and intellectual abilities as well as allowing you the opportunity to engage and explore many different areas of creative practice. This combination, a meeting of the critical and the creative, allows you to pursue interconnected themes and ideas within different creative and/or critical fields, or to follow through specific genre or creative practice interests, or to contrast and compare those areas across your degree program. The School of Creative Studies and Media is unique in its close integration of critical and theoretical approaches with hands-on creative practice. Students in the School have the opportunity at all levels to combine a study of their chosen field with practice-based outcomes such as writing, performance, and media/digital media production. The School specializes in a number of key areas: Professional Writing and Journalism; Media and Digital Communication; Film Studies; Performance Studies; Creative and Media Practice. The School has research interests in all areas of Film Studies, with research programs running in several key areas.
Offers are tariff based, 80 - 120 tariff points from a Level 3 qualification* e.g: A Levels (no specific subjects required) International Baccalaureate Diploma BTEC National/Extended Diploma and Cambridge Technical Extended Diploma: MMP - DDM City & Guilds Advanced Technical/ Extended Diploma: considered on a case by case basis Access Welsh Baccalaureate is accepted.
IELTS (SELT or Non-SELT) or IELTS Indicator 6.0 (5.5)
Media and Journalism
£ £9,250, £16,335
Bristol, England
Bolton, Greater Manchester, England
Home Fees/International: £9,250