Electrical and electronic engineering is a specialist undergraduate degree that equips you with the tools and techniques to address electrical and digital electronics issues and develop new digital products to meet global challenges. The focus of the technology-related economy is shifting towards electrically or electronically controlled autonomous digital systems, intelligent communication devices, automation and robotics, held remotely via innovative technology using green energy resources.
The undergraduate programme combines principles from electrics, electronics, control, power, automation, and robotics to design, manufacture and test intelligent and cognitive systems and devices, utilising a combination of these disciplines. For various applications, these systems and appliances are required to interact with objects, know where the things are, and be able to perform tasks such as moving the objects to a needed new position.
The electronics require information from sensors that can detect position, orientation, and visual or audio signals. The electrical inputs from the sensors have to be interpreted, and the appropriate signals sent out to the actuators to perform the required operation. Students in this programme will gain knowledge of engineering processes, product design, analogue and digital electronics, energy harvesting technologies and a combination of these disciplines.
A Level:
Including passes at A2 in at least two subjects. Must include Maths and Physics or Electronics.
It extended Diploma or Diploma in a related subject. Must include distinctions in both Mathematics and Further Mathematics.
International Baccalaureate:
Diploma with 27 points, including a minimum of 15 points at Higher Level and must include Maths and Physics at Higher Level.
20 hours of work permit weekly for international students.
IELTS 5.5 with a minimum of 5.5 in Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking (or recognised equivalent).
Docklands Campus
Full-Time, 3 years
13920, (INT)
Uxbridge, Middlesex England, UK
£ £9,250, £13,750
Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire, England
Home full-time: £9,250, International full-time: £13,500
Liverpool, England.