MRes in History

... United Kingdom
... University of Worcester

Course Overview

This MRes is a unique opportunity to work with national and international experts in History while, at the same time, developing yourself as an expert in the field.

One of very few such courses in the UK, the MRes will enable you to acquire fundamental research skills while carrying out a major research project of your choice.

The MRes offers an ideal bridge to further postgraduate study (e.g. a Ph.D.) or to acquire, transferrable employer-related skills in areas such as project planning and management, time management, research and data analysis, digital literacy, and report writing.

This course will help you to develop both intellectual and technical competencies in research. It will prepare you for academic careers by covering the fundamental components of academic research: developing a topic, method, and analysis, and the planning and execution of a substantial piece of written or practical research. Through the 'apprenticeship' model, your work will be closely integrated with that of an expert supervisor and with an academic department giving you valuable experience in contributing to and working within a community of scholars. This will allow possible development toward further postgraduate research such as a Ph.D. Former graduates from the MRes program have gone on to be awarded competitive, fully-funded 3-year Ph.D. bursaries in the region.

An MRes in History will also help you to progress toward a career in equivalent research-based employment. This might include, for example, working for government departments, NGOs, charitable trusts, historical societies, heritage organizations, specialist libraries, archives, or museums. In the context of an ever-expanding information economy, an MRes would prepare you for work in any organization looking for literate and research-trained staff. Further support will be available to you via the Research School's Student Researcher Development Programme. This provides workshops in, amongst other things, oral presentations, public engagement, writing CVs, bid writing, and entrepreneurial opportunities.

General Eligibility

A First or Upper Second-Class Honours (2:1) Degree, or equivalent award, in History or a related subject

Part Time Work Details

20 hours of work permit weekly for international students.

Language Requirement

  • For MPhil/Ph.D. this is an IELTS score of 7.0 with a minimum score of 7.0 in Written English.

Programme Information
Course Category

Humanities and Social Sciences

Campus Name


Course Level



Full-Time, 1 year

Available Intake




Tuition Fees Range


15800, (INT)

Subject Recommendations for You
MSc Carbon Management
University of Edinburgh

Edinburgh, Scotland

Entry Score


Course Level


Total Course Fee


MSc Political Theory Research
University of Oxford

Oxford, England

Entry Score


Course Level


Total Course Fee


MA Digital Humanities
Lancaster University - Study Group


Entry Score


Course Level


Total Course Fee

£ 22100

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