We provide an environment that allows you to develop the different practical employability characteristics that make you more attractive to employers in the job market.
Our staff use their extensive business connections to provide many and varied opportunities to engage with potential employers through fairs, guest lecture sessions, live projects and site visits. In addition, we offer workshops and events in the first, second and third years that ensure all students are equipped with both degree-level subject knowledge and the practical skills employers are looking for in new graduate recruits. We also offer extensive support for students to find and secure industry-year placements, which have been shown to impact a student’s career prospects of graduation significantly.
Our award-winning careers service works with regional and national employers to advertise graduate positions and provide post-graduation support for all Teesside University alumni.
Through collaborative projects with our international partners, you gain the skills and confidence to succeed in the world of work on a global scale. You work with SMEs and large corporate organisations, developing practical business skills by formulating solutions to real-world challenges. We ensure you acquire a unique mix of ability, knowledge and experience to secure the perfect role.
A typical offer is 80-104 tariff points from at least two A, T, or equivalent levels.
20 Hours of work permit weekly for international students.
International students must also provide evidence of English language skills equivalent to IELTS 7.0 (or equal).
Human Resource Management and Psychology
Full-Time, 3 years
15000, (INT)
Liverpool, England
£ 12500
£9250, £14000