Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. An undergraduate specialization in this liberal arts field is useful for students who plan careers in mental health, business, industry, education, health services, personnel work, or in any of the various fields involving human relations. All psychology courses incorporate the most up to date American Psychological Association learning goals for the undergraduate psychology major. These goals include: (1) Knowledge Base in Psychology, (2) Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking, (3) Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World, (4) Communication, and (5) Professional Development. All course syllabi indicate the APA goals that they address.
General Education Requirements (A&S)
In addition to major requirements, students must meet the General Education Requirements that correlate to their degree.
For B.A. and B.S. degrees, see General Education Requirements for the B.A. and B.S. Degrees (A&S).
For Transfer students, see General Education Requirements for Transfer Students (A&S).
Major GPA and Grade Requirements
Students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.25 in courses required to complete the major. All courses taken by declared majors to satisfy the major requirements must be taken for a letter grade and may not be taken on a Pass/No Pass basis, except PSY 384P - Psychology Student Internship.
Minimun IELTS Score 6.5 overall.
Humanities and Social Sciences
West Hartford, Connecticut
Full-Time, 4 years
September, January
USA: $42,850 , International: $67,079,
Reading, England
£ 20300
London, England
£ 15100
Lincoln, England.
£ 9250