The course offers a coherent and intellectual learning experience, providing you with a critical understanding of the subject and enabling you to employ the tools of analysis used by a wide range of finance and investment banking professionals. You can now combine this specialist Masters with a year-long placement. The work placement opportunity gives you a practical perspective on your academic studies and enables you to increase greatly your skillset for a wide range of finance and investment banking careers. The program also echoes the esteemed Chartered Financial Analyst Institute (CFA®) level 1 and 2 examinations. Specific careers that may be appropriate include a range of investment banking roles (e.g. financial analyst, investment manager, securities analyst, and portfolio manager) as well as roles within financial departments of corporations/organizations (e.g. treasury, financial control, risk analysis, etc.). Furthermore, the program offers a sound platform and preparation for doctoral research in the areas of finance, accounting, and economics.
An honors degree (at least 2:2 or equivalent) in the field of economics, finance, banking, accounting, business studies, science, engineering, mathematics, or A suitable professional qualification (including ACCA, CIMA CIPFA, CFA, ICAEW, ICS), or Other appropriate qualifications/experience to be assessed by the Programme Leader and Admissions Tutor.
Financial requirement You’ll need to show you have enough money to support yourself - unless you’ve been in the UK with a valid visa for at least 12 months on the date of your application. How much money you need depends on where you will be studying. You’ll need either: £1,334 per month (for up to 9 months) for courses outside London £1,023 per month (for up to 9 months) for courses inside London If you’re applying for the Doctorate Extension Scheme, and you’ve been in the UK for less than 12 months, you need to prove you have a total of £2,668 for courses in London, or a total of £2,046 for courses outside London. If you’re boarding at a residential independent school, you’ll need to pay boarding fees instead. The amount you need to pay will be on your CAS. London means the City of London and the 32 London boroughs.
Accounting, Finance and Economics
University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield
Sandwich, 2 Years
UK- £15360, EU/International-£16860,
£ 22975
$ 8550
Canterbury, England
Home full-time/part-time: TBC, EU/International full-time: £21900, EU/International part-time: £10950