If you want to understand the world we live in, you have to be able to understand the great religious traditions and philosophical questions that shape it. Our degree in Philosophy, Ethics and Religion is a rigorous programme that exposes you to the big questions of philosophy: what is good? What are the ideals or principles by which we can lead a meaningful life, individually and politically? What defines a human person? What can we rationally say about the existence and nature of God? What is beauty? At the same time, it offers an in-depth understanding of major religions, such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism.
In philosophy, you will be reading the great texts of Western thought for yourself and significant readers from broader global philosophies, such as African, Indian, and Japanese. There will also be an emphasis on developing your ability to think critically and construct reasoned arguments. The study of religion is grounded in understanding beliefs as they are lived and understood: field trips and research in natural communities sit alongside interpreting texts, symbols and ideas.
Your studies will be led by internationally renowned lecturers who bring their research to bear on their teaching. Our staff have particular expertise in, for example, the study of Islam, Zen Buddhism, and contemporary philosophy of religion. They will guide and inspire you to clarify the questions you want to ask and to explore the worldviews of others as you work out your own.
A-Levels BBC
UCAS Tariff Points 112 UCAS Tariff points must come from at least two A Levels (or equivalent). Additional points can be made up from a range of alternative qualifications.
Access to HE 112 Tariff Points
IB 28
Irish Leaving Certificate 112 Tariff Points from Higher Level qualifications only
Welsh Baccalaureate This qualification can only be accepted with other relevant qualifications.
T-Levels 120 Tariff Points / Merit
Subject Requirements No specific subject requirements
20 hours of work permit weekly for international students.
6.0 overall (with reading and writing at 6.0) and no individual score lower than 5.5.
Humanities and Social Sciences
Liverpool, England
Full-Time, 3 years
12500, (INT)
Multiple, British Colombia
Birmingham, England
£ Home full-time: £9,250