BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences (Biology)

... United Kingdom
... University of Worcester

Course Overview

Biology is one of the most actively changing subjects in the sciences, with biologists constantly seeking solutions to the many challenges that shape our world. In our Biology degree, we engage with the subject at every level, from the molecular level through whole organisms and beyond to their relationships with each other and the wider environment.

The great thing about doing Biology is that you get to explore the whole of the subject in great detail. It means you have a wide choice when it comes to choosing your modules for the final year and especially choosing what kind of research project you want to take for your dissertation. So whether you fall in love with the subject at the biochemical level or whether your passion is about whole organisms and how they interact, Biology is for you.

Our Biology BSc prepares you for a number of degree paths including scientific research within government, industry, or medical institutions, nature conservation, a range of public sector workers, and a teaching career. Many of our graduates go on to further study through masters and Ph.D. degrees.

Our Biology degree has a strong applied component. We have retained a great deal of practical and fieldwork, both of which have been greatly reduced in many universities; these give our students an advantage when seeking employment or continuing their studies through a higher degree. This has suited students well for careers in the laboratory or the field. Some are engaged in research or education and some undertake medical qualifications or complete higher degrees.

General Eligibility

96 UCAS Tariff points MUST include A2 Biology and A2 another science, maths, or statistics.

104 UCAS Tariff points MUST include A2 Biology.

Part Time Work Details

20 hours of work permit weekly for international students.

Language Requirement

  • IELTS level 7.0 with no element below 6.5.

Programme Information
Course Category

Biological and Medical Sciences

Campus Name


Course Level



Full-Time, 3 years

Available Intake

April, June



Tuition Fees Range


14700, (INT)

Subject Recommendations for You
BSc (Hons) Ecology and Conservation (Placement Year)
Lancaster University - Study Group


Entry Score


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Total Course Fee

£ 26550


Liverpool, England

Entry Score


Course Level


Total Course Fee

£ 12500


Hamilton City Campus, Rotokauri Campus

Entry Score


Course Level


Total Course Fee

$ 7140

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