The BA International Governance and Public Policy is an interdisciplinary program combining elements of three subjects: international relations and diplomacy, international business, and international law. This combination of academic subjects will enable students to understand the major political, business, and legal aspects of how international processes are organized and governed. The major discipline in this degree program is international relations (IR). International relations are based on a range of other disciplines in the social sciences: politics, sociology and (international) law, and the humanities €“ primarily history. The political aspect of the subject analyses the distribution of resources. In examining the related questions of power, order, justice, conflict, and legitimacy in the interaction of people, ideas, and institutions, international relations are, however, different from other approaches to politics.
Enrolment is in accordance with the relevant batch of degree admission marks of merit of the Chinese National College Entrance Examination for BFSU.
20 Hours of Work permit weekly for international students.
The English score achieved in the Chinese National College Entrance Examination should not be less than 110 out of 150.
Economics and International Relations
Beijing, China, BFSU
Full-Time, 4 years
September, January
UK: £9,250, International/EU: £17,700,
Plymouth, England
£ 16300
Plymouth, England
£ £9,250, £14,200