Building services engineers are involved with virtually every aspect of a buildings interior environment. They design, install and maintain electrical and mechanical services - heating, cooling, lighting, water, lifts, and telecoms - and advise on issues of health and safety, security, sustainability, and energy efficiency. In short, they help buildings work, whether for residential, educational, commercial, industrial, or cultural purposes. Building Services Engineering MSc gives graduates with engineering or technology backgrounds the technical, design, and management skills they need to excel in this lucrative and multi-faceted profession. You'll get a solid grounding in core subjects of heat transfer, energy conversion, acoustics, electrical services, and lighting design as well as in the practicalities of building management, fire and smoke control, waste disposal, and lifts and escalators. Additionally, as there is a growing demand for a new generation of environmentally responsible buildings, youll also examine energy efficiency and sustainable design.
A 2:2 (or above) UK Honours degree or equivalent internationally recognized qualification in Mechanical, Building Services or technology subject. Other qualifications and relevant experience will be assessed on an individual basis. Entry to this program requires all students who are not nationals of the European Economic Area (EEA) and have temporary immigration permission to remain in the UK to obtain an ATAS certificate. If you are made an offer to join this course and you are not an EEA national, you will be required to obtain an ATAS certificate as a condition of your offer.
IELTS: 6 (min 5.5 in all areas)_x000D_ _x000D_ TOEFL: 79 (min R18, L17, S20, W17)
Uxbridge area of London
January, September
£9,650, £19,855,
Sudbury, Ontario
Home full-time: £21,240 , International full-time: £24,509
£ 7750