Throughout the course, students will explore these applications individually and discover how they work seamlessly together to develop projects efficiently and successfully. This course is perfect for students who wish to create digital design outcomes for commercial or personal use as well as those who are currently using the applications but are looking to expand their knowledge through a more structured course of learning. This course is highly recommended for those who possess some knowledge or have a keen interest in the field of graphic design, as the course will explore these applications in relation to the topic of design. A strong all-around understanding of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign are essential for graphic and digital designers as these applications are the tools at the core of the creative industry. Due to the fast-paced and challenging nature of this course, students will be expected to possess a fundamental understanding of the tools and features of all three Adobe applications.
This course is designed for those with a working knowledge of video post-production and still graphic production who wish to add animation, visual effects, color correction, and motion graphic elements to their work. Animation and Motion Graphics €“ animating in AE using shapes, utilizing bitmaps and vectors, keyframing, animating text and images Compositing €“ combining still and moving images to create composite video work, utilizing 2.5D to create 3D layers and effects, color correction, using masks, understanding blending modes and transparency channels Visual Effects €“ including chroma-key, digital effects, introduction to motion tracking, stabilization tools, and rotoscoping Pre-formatted and prepared video examples will be provided for use in the projects
Full-Time, 15 weeks
Birmingham, England.
£ £9,250,
Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom
£ £319
Birmingham, England.
£ 9250