Animation is everywhere, from the classic Disney fairytale to the quirky Aardman comedy and the dynamic Pixar blockbuster. AUB is a creative community for original thinkers and inventive innovative makers where boundaries are pushed and creative alliances formed. A place from which convention is tested, the landscape altered, and creative careers launched.
If you already hold or you are taking relevant qualifications to meet our entry requirements we will be very happy to receive an application. In your portfolio, well be looking for strong life drawing skills, observational work, painting, character design, and storyboards. We dont need to see animation work, but your work should show a sense of movement, narrative, and storytelling.
Financial requirement You’ll need to show you have enough money to support yourself - unless you’ve been in the UK with a valid visa for at least 12 months on the date of your application. How much money you need depends on where you will be studying. You’ll need either: £1,334 per month (for up to 9 months) for courses outside London £1,023 per month (for up to 9 months) for courses inside London If you’re applying for the Doctorate Extension Scheme, and you’ve been in the UK for less than 12 months, you need to prove you have a total of £2,668 for courses in London, or a total of £2,046 for courses outside London. If you’re boarding at a residential independent school, you’ll need to pay boarding fees instead. The amount you need to pay will be on your CAS. London means the City of London and the 32 London boroughs.
Full-time, 3 years
UK: £9,250 , International/EU : £19,950,
St John's
GBP 9250
Edinburgh, Scotland
Lincoln, England.