BA (Hons) Early Learning and Childcare (Graduate Apprenticeship)

... United Kingdom
... University of the West of Scotland

Course Overview

The UWS Graduate Apprenticeship BA Early Learning and Childcare program has been developed in response to the national agenda - A Blueprint for 2020: The Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare (2017) and Skills Development Scotland’s Skills Investment Plan for Scotland’s Early Learning and Childcare sector (2017).

The GA is a program of study designed for those in employment, working towards registration as practitioners with the Social Services Council (SSSC) upon completion of their three-year apprenticeship studies. The course is also suitable for those already in practice, and seeking professional development.

The overall aim of the program is to ensure that our Graduate Apprentices have the best possible learning experience, through which to become qualified and competent Early Learning and Childcare practitioners.

You will acquire a broad and balanced knowledge and understanding of child development from pre-birth to 6 years. You will develop a critical understanding of early childhood philosophy and practice, and theories of learning which develop children’s creativity, literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving skills. You will have opportunities to engage effectively as a member of a team and in partnership with multi-agencies to support children and families, promoting social justice and inclusion for all.

General Eligibility

Candidates must be able to satisfy the general admission requirements of the University of the West of Scotland as specified in Chapter 2 of the University Regulatory Framework together with the following program requirements:

SQA National Qualifications

4 Scottish Highers at Grades BBBC at or 102 UCAS Tariff points at and English at least at National 5

An appropriate National Qualification Childhood Practice or equivalent.

An appropriate Foundation Apprenticeship or Modern Apprenticeship.

Or as a career changer with a degree or with 1 year of sector-specific work experience at a level equivalent to the point of entry

Apprentices require to be in employment in early years setting.

or GCE

GCE Grades CCD or 88 UCAS Tariff points at A-level, Maths, and English at least at GCSE.

or SQA National Qualifications/Edexcel Foundation

Part Time Work Details

20 hours per week.

Language Requirement

  • n/a

Programme Information
Course Category


Campus Name


Course Level



Full-time, 3 years

Available Intake




Tuition Fees Range


14500, (INT)

Subject Recommendations for You


Entry Score

Course Level


Total Course Fee




Entry Score


Course Level


Total Course Fee

£ 9250

BSc (Hons) Criminology (Black Studies)
London South Bank University


Entry Score


Course Level


Total Course Fee

£ 9250

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